Sword of Damascus 100% (В) 194 П.Атак М.Атак 99 АтакСпид 379
Кри - 10лвл
SA: [ Focus ] красн
SA: [ Crt.Damage ] зеленый
SA: [ Haste ] Синий
(В крупных ресурсах)
1 Recipe: Sword of Damascus
13 Sword of Damascus Blade
341 Crystal: B Grade
172 Synthetic Cokes
172 Mithril Alloy
98 Gemstone B
86 Enria
2 Craftsman Mold
(В мелких ресурсах)
1 Recipe: Sword of Damascus
13 Sword of Damascus Blade
341 Crystal: B Grade
98 Gemstone B
96 Enria
172 Oriharukon Ore
1568 Coal
1548 Charcoal
172 Mithril Ore
2296 Varnish
1740 Iron Ore
192 Stone of Purity
576 Coarse Bone Powder
40 Adamantite Nugget
40 Mold Hardener
20 Braided Hemp
Dark Legion's Edge 60% (А) 232 П.Атак М.Атак 114 АтакСпид 379
Кри - 12 лвл
SA: [ Crt.Damage ] Красный
SA: [ Health ] Зеленый
SA: [ Rsk.Focus ] Синий
(В крупных ресурсах)
1 Recipe: Dark Legion's Edge (60%)
14 Dark Legion's Edge Blade
161 Crystal: A Grade
156 Synthetic Cokes
156 Mithril Alloy
74 Gemstone A
78 Enria
3 Craftsman Mold
78 Durable Metal Plate
(В мелких ресурсах)
1 Recipe: Dark Legion's Edge(60%)
14 Dark Legion's Edge Blade
161 Crystal: A Grade
74 Gemstone A
93 Enria
156 Oriharukon Ore
1434 Coal
1404 Charcoal
546 Mithril Ore
2118 Varnish
3540 Iron Ore
186 Stone of Purity
558 Coarse Bone Powder
60 Adamantite Nugget
60 Mold Hardener
30 Braided Hemp
3900 Thread
Forgotten Blade 60% (S) 281 П.Атак М.Атак 132 АтакСпид 379
Кри - 13 лвл
SA: [ Haste ] Красный
SA: [ Health ] Зеленый
SA: [ Focus ] Синий
(В крупных ресурсах)
1 Recipe: Forgotten Blade (60%)
17 Forgotten Blade Edge
211 Crystal: S Grade
264 Synthetic Cokes
264 Mithril Alloy
43 Gemstone S
132 Enria
132 Durable Metal Plate
4 Warsmith's Holder
(В мелких ресурсах)
1 Recipe: Forgotten Blade (60%)
17 Forgotten Blade Edge
211 Crystal: S Grade
43 Gemstone S
132 Enria
264 Oriharukon Ore
2376 Coal
2376 Charcoal
924 Mithril Ore
3672 Varnish
5940 Iron Ore
344 Stone of Purity
1032 Coarse Bone Powder
6680 Thread
40 Mold Glue
80 Mold Lubricant
80 Mold Hardener
Great Sword (В) П.Атак 213 М.Атак 91 АтакСпид 325
Кри 9 лвл
SA: [ Health ]
SA: [ Crt.Damage ]
SA: [ Focus ]
(В крупных ресурсах)
1 Recipe: Great Sword
12 Great Sword Blade
317 Crystal: C Grade
63 Synthetic Cokes
126 Mithril Alloy
62 Gemstone B
63 Enria
3 Craftsman Mold
(В мелких ресурсах)
1 Recipe: Great Sword
12 Great Sword Blade
317 Crystal: C Grade
62 Gemstone B
78 Enria
63 Oriharukon Ore
597 Coal
567 Charcoal
126 Mithril Ore
1728 Varnish
1290 Iron Ore
156 Stone of Purity
468 Coarse Bone Powder
60 Adamantite Nugget
60 Mold Hardener
30 Braided Hemp
Dragon Slayer (А) П.Атак 282 М.Атак 114 АтакСпид 325
Кри 12 лвл
SA: [ Health ]
SA: [ Crt.Bleed ]
SA: [ Crt.Drain ]
(В крупных ресурсах)
1 Recipe: Dragon Slayer(60%)
14 Dragon Slayer Edge
195 Crystal: A Grade
78 Synthetic Cokes
156 Mithril Alloy
74 Gemstone A
78 Enria
3 Craftsman Mold
78 Durable Metal Plate
(В мелких ресурсах)
1 Recipe: Dragon Slayer(60%)
14 Dragon Slayer Edge
195 Crystal: A Grade
74 Gemstone A
93 Enria
78 Oriharukon Ore
732 Coal
702 Charcoal
546 Mithril Ore
2118 Varnish
3540 Iron Ore
186 Stone of Purity
5580 Animal Bone
60 Mold Hardener
60 Adamantite Nugget
150 Stem
3900 Thread
Heaven's Divider (S) П.Атак 342 М.Атак 132 АтакСпид 325
Кри 13 лвл
SA: [ Haste ]
SA: [ Health ]
SA: [ Focus ]
(В крупных ресурсах)
1 Recipe: Heavens Divider (60%)
17 Heavens Divider Edge
212 Crystal: S Grade
146 Synthetic Cokes
292 Mithril Alloy
43 Gemstone S
146 Enria
146 Durable Metal Plate
4 Warsmith's Holder
(В мелких ресурсах)
1 Recipe: Heavens Divider (60%)
17 Heavens Divider Edge
212 Crystal: S Grade
43 Gemstone S
146 Enria
146 Oriharukon Ore
1314 Coal
1314 Charcoal
1022 Mithril Ore
4036 Varnish
6570 Iron Ore
372 Stone of Purity
11160 Animal Bone
7380 Thread
40 Mold Glue
80 Mold Lubricant
80 Mold Hardener
Heavy War Axe (В) П.Атак 175 М.Атак 91 АтакСпид 379
SA: [ Anger ]
SA: [ Health ]
SA: [ Rsk.Focus ]
Art of Battle Axe (В) П.Атак 194 М.Атак 99 АтакСпид 379
SA: [ Health ]
SA: [ Rsk.Focus ]
SA: [ Haste ]
Deadman's Glory (В) П.Атак 194 М.Атак 99 АтакСпид 379 Аналог АобЫ, но СА разные
SA: [ Anger ]
SA: [ Health ]
SA: [ Haste ]
Meteor Shower (А) П.Атак 213 М.Атак 107 АтакСпид 379
SA: [ Focus ]
SA: [ Crt.Bleed ]
SA: [ Rsk.Haste ]
Elysian Axe (А) П.Атак 232 М.Атак 114 АтакСпид 379
SA: [ Health ]
SA: [ Anger ]
SA: [ Crt.Drain ]
Basalt Battlehammer (S) П.Атак 281 М.Атак 132 АтакСпид 379
SA: [ HP Drain ]
SA: [ Health ]
SA: [ HP Regeneration ]
Dragon Hunter Axe (S) "Двуручный топор Оо " П.Атак 342 М.Атак 132 АтакСпид 325
SA: [ HP Regeneration ]
SA: [ Health ]
SA: [ HP Drain ]
Great Axe
SA: [ Anger ]
SA: [ Crt.Stun ]
SA: [ Light ] 175 / 91 325 -3.00
SA: [ Anger ]
SA: [ Crt.Stun ]
SA: [ Long Blow ] 194 / 99 325 -3.00
SA: [ Haste ]
SA: [ Crt.Stun ]
SA: [ Wide Blow ] 213 / 107 325 -3.00
Orcish Halberd
219 / 109 325 -3.00
Tallum Glaive
SA: [ Guidance ]
SA: [ Health ]
SA: [ Wide Blow ] 232 / 114 325 -3.00
Saint Spear
SA: [ Health ]
SA: [ Guidance ]
SA: [ Haste ] 281 / 132 325
Тема в разработке